120 | Lazy Lions 2.0

The ROAR is back!

Lazy Lions 2.0

January 29, 2024 – a date that reignited the Lazy Lions' ROAR! In an exciting announcement, Ashur and Nine introduced the new leaders of Lazy Lions: @kaneco, @solaking, @tlee, and @localcryptogod. Selected for their visionary approach, they’re set to skyrocket the Lazy Lions brand to new heights, marking a transformative moment in its history.

The community breathed a collective sigh of relief, with PFPs changing across the x-verse in a show of solidarity for the new leadership. The ROAR of anticipation was palpable, culminating in last night’s X space, where the team shared their ambitious plans for Lazy Lions’ next chapter.

The transition is in full swing, with the new team taking the reins of crucial platforms like Discord and social media. Behind the scenes, the legal and operational gears are turning smoothly to cement this changeover.

Looking back, Ash & Nine reflected on the journey, lauding the community's achievements. Their trust in the new team's ability to steer Lazy Lions forward is unwavering.

Meet the dynamic new leadership:

  • LocalCryptoGod (Westie) from 3DKings, famed for Lazy Butts, is passionate about building a community-driven ecosystem.

  • TLee (Tommy), blending his business insight and sports background, is keen on nurturing a supportive and dynamic team environment.

  • Kane Co (it’s not Ka-neck-o!), a media and event expert, aims to amplify Lazy Lions across diverse channels.

  • SolaKing, bridging tech and finance, is set to expand Lazy Lions into the realms of gaming and entertainment.

Their collective vision is clear:

"We plan on empowering and supporting our community. We will develop revenue streams in and outside of Web3 to develop a lifestyle brand of activity and leisure that is sustainable for the long-term."

- LocalCryptoGod, Tlee, Kaneco & SolaKing

This shift ushers in a fresh era for Lazy Lions, one where sustainable growth meets community-centric innovation, merging tried-and-true business strategies with the exciting possibilities of web3.

LFR Kings & Queens! 🦁

If you missed the space, catch it here:

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