#84 | Anneli's City of Girls

A Journey of Art and Resilience


I'm excited about this issue, which shines a spotlight on a dear friend in the Web3 space. Our paths crossed earlier this year, and I have tremendous admiration for Anneli. She's not only a kind-hearted individual, but her artistic style instantly captivated me. With a unique flair, her work reveals something new to love every time I delve deeper. Anneli has some exciting news, and I'm thrilled to share it with all of you!

Happy Reading!

P.S. Full transparency: I own a City of Girls NFT. While my enthusiasm for these NFTs may be influenced by my ownership, please rest assured that I am committed to providing you with fair and unbiased information. My goal is to offer valuable insights without compromising the integrity of my newsletter.

  • Unveiling the Online Shop

  • City of Girls: An Ode to Unsung Heroes

  • A Biography of Creative Triumph

  • The Birth of City of Girls

  • Art That Comes to Life: Live Drawings

  • The Future of City of Girls

  • Links

Unveiling the Online Shop

Swedish creative visionary Anneli Olander Berglund has embarked on an extraordinary journey with her NFT project, "City of Girls" (C.O.G.), delving into the lives of those often overlooked, seamlessly weaving together art, memories, dreams, and resilience. Few illustrators manage to capture the essence of life's quiet heroines quite like she does.

Today marks a significant milestone for C.O.G. as Anneli unveils her brand-new online shop, providing an opportunity for holders and admirers of her work to fully immerse themselves in the captivating world of "City of Girls." The shop offers a wide range of merchandise, including T-shirts, hoodies, bottoms, bags, home decor, and numerous ways to integrate C.O.G. into your daily life.

Keep reading to learn more about City of Girls and the amazing artist behind it!

City of Girls: An Ode to Unsung Heroes

"C.O.G. is a love letter to the cogs making the world go round."


Anneli's project pays homage to the working-class people and caregivers whose tireless efforts keep society running smoothly. With themes like "Oddities," "Memories of Home," and "Fables," Anneli delves into the intricate tapestry of our lives, exploring the dreams we've had to let go of and the resilience that defines us as citizens of the world.

A Biography of Creative Triumph

Anneli Olander Berglund's journey from a small town in Sweden to the bustling urban landscape of Stockholm is nothing short of inspiring. As a freelance artist since 2007, she has showcased her work internationally, gracing galleries in Italy, the USA, and Australia. Her unique blend of painterly aesthetics and playful fantasy has made her a sought-after artist in various creative domains, from runway fashion to artisanal chocolates to ArtNews.

Throughout her career, Anneli has collaborated with esteemed clients such as Tiltworks, Element Skateboards, and Laika consulting. Her artistic vision combines the enchantment of fantasy with the every day, creating a rich visual language that resonates with audiences worldwide.

The Birth of City of Girls

Anneli's journey with "City of Girls" is an authentic and heartfelt one. It began as a response to the challenges life threw her way—motherhood, family illnesses, and the ups and downs of daily life. Through these experiences, Anneli found solace in her art. She gave life to the characters in her drawings, creating a bustling city that echoed the stories of working-class heroes and dreamers alike.

In the midst of this journey, Anneli discovered the world of NFTs and blockchain technology. Embracing this innovative space, she found a new way to share her art with the world. "City of Girls" became a testament to her own resilience and a celebration of the messiness of life—a mess from which all beauty can emerge.

Art That Comes to Life: Live Drawings

Anneli's artistic journey is marked not only by her profound creativity but also by her engagement with the web3 community. Through her live drawings, she brings her audience into her creative process, crafting visual tributes to holders and viewers of her live feed. It's her way of giving back, fostering connection, and sharing the joy of art with the digital world.

Catch Anneli’s Live Drawings in her Discord.https://discord.gg/cityofgirls

The Future of City of Girls

As Anneli continues her artistic voyage, the future of "City of Girls" remains as open and promising as the city itself. She's currently working on editions of city art, character collections, zines, and even a coffee table book. While the NFT project was born in early 2022, its evolution continues through her online shop.

In the words of her writer friend David Kalal, "Mess is like the primordial soup... All life emerges from it." Anneli's journey with "City of Girls" beautifully encapsulates this sentiment, reminding us that life's chaos can give rise to the most extraordinary art.

Join Anneli on this remarkable journey of art, resilience, and discovery by exploring "City of Girls" and her new online shop. (All Links Below)


Get your C.O.G. Fortune

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