#82 | Lazy Butts & 3D Kings

A New Chapter in NFT Innovation


Sub-communities can be a powerful ally for NFT Projects, and we recognize that Lazy Lions boasts some of the most robust sub-communities in the NFT space.

These sub-communities, ranging from Lazy Hats to Black Caps, showcase the diversity and strength within the Lazy Lions ecosystem.

As a proud member of one such subgroup, the 3D Kings, I'm thrilled about the upcoming developments and exciting news we have to share in this issue. It's a testament to the flourishing sub-communities within Lazy Lions, and I can’t wait for you to learn about what the 3D Kings have been working on.

Happy Reading,

The Digital Tomato

P.S. Full transparency: I own Lazy Lions NFT. This ownership predates this newsletter. While my enthusiasm for these NFTs may be influenced by my ownership, please rest assured that I am committed to providing you with fair and unbiased information. My goal is to offer valuable insights without compromising the integrity of my newsletter.

  • Lazy Butts & 3D Kings: A New Chapter in NFT Innovation
    By @crypt0potamus, 3D Kings Web3 Dev

    • Introduction

    • The Harmony of Art and Technology

    • Lazy Butts: An Ingenious Twist on NFTs

    • The 3D Kings Website: Your Gateway to a Visionary Future in NFTs

    • What's Next?

    • Conclusion

Lazy Butts & 3D Kings:
A New Chapter in NFT Innovation

By @crypt0potamus, 3D Kings Web3 Dev


The world of NFTs is a landscape of endless possibilities, a digital realm where artistry and technology converge in exciting, unprecedented ways. At 3D Kings, we believe in more than just adding to the multitude of digital collectibles; we believe in shaping the future of how people perceive, interact with, and own digital art and assets. It's a grand ambition, but as the saying goes, 'Go big or go home.'

As part of this broader vision, we're thrilled to share news about two projects that we believe will make significant ripples in the digital waters: Lazy Butts, our unique take on NFTs inspired by but not affiliated with Lazy Lions, and the revamp of the 3D Kings website. But these aren't mere additions to our portfolio; they represent important milestones in our journey toward redefining the scope and functionality of NFTs. As we prepare to roll out these new projects, we want our community to understand the ethos and innovation that fuel them.

These initiatives come at a time when the NFT community is brimming with expectation, and eager for the next transformative experience. The goal of this article is to provide you, our valued community, with a detailed insight into what makes Lazy Butts and the 3D Kings website refresh distinct, and why they're worth your attention. As we delve into each, you'll see that they embody our core principles: ingenuity, community-centric development, and a forward-thinking approach to the ever-evolving NFT space.

So, let's delve into the details, demystify the buzz, and give you a front-row seat to the innovative shifts set to come your way. Whether you're an artist, a technophile, or simply curious about the future of NFTs, there’s something for you in the journey ahead.

The Harmony of Art and Technology

The allure of the NFT universe lies at the intersection of art and technology. It's a unique space, where every project can be a canvas for creativity, innovation, and evolution. At 3D Kings, we've always understood this interplay and made it a cornerstone of our endeavors.

For us, every NFT is not just a digital token but a marriage of aesthetic beauty and sophisticated coding. With the Lazy Butts and the refreshed 3D Kings website, this harmony is more evident than ever. These initiatives exemplify our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology without losing sight of the artistic ethos that defines the NFT space. Our team, a blend of tech-savvy developers and visionary artists, is determined to ensure that both the technological backbone and the artistic veneer of our projects are nothing short of impeccable.

Furthermore, the digital era presents challenges and opportunities alike. One of the core challenges is ensuring that digital art, while rooted in technology, still resonates emotionally with its audience. It's about finding a balance—ensuring that for every line of code, there's an equivalent brushstroke of creativity. Our designers, coders, and strategists work hand in hand, ensuring that technology complements the art rather than overshadowing it. With Lazy Butts, for instance, every digital piece is crafted with meticulous attention, ensuring that the final product, while technologically sophisticated, still exudes artistic warmth and personality.

Yet, the true success of any project lies in its reception by the community. And this is where the real magic of the NFT space lies: in the collaboration, feedback, and collective evolution driven by its members. We're excited for you to experience firsthand the symphony of art and technology that Lazy Butts and our revamped website bring to the table. With these ventures, we're not only sharing our creations but also reinforcing our belief that when art and tech harmonize, the results can be truly transformative.

Lazy Butts: An Ingenious Twist on NFTs

NFTs have evolved rapidly, becoming more than just digital collectibles. They've emerged as unique embodiments of identity, ownership, and community engagement. Entering this dynamic landscape is "Lazy Butts," our independently conceived project that, while inspired by the Lazy Lions community, operates entirely separate from and is not affiliated with the Lazy Lions brand.

The brilliance of Lazy Butts lies in its concept: every Lazy Lion NFT owner has the chance to complete their digital masterpiece by claiming its 'other half'. But it's not just about completing an image—it’s about extending a narrative, broadening the scope of ownership, and enhancing the intrinsic value of an already beloved NFT. This idea adds layers of depth and engagement to the typical NFT experience, forging an even deeper connection between the artwork and its owner.

However, it's not just the concept that sets Lazy Butts apart; it's the meticulous craftsmanship behind each piece. Artists such as JohntheCraftsman and Gluten Free are not just creating art; they're crafting narratives, emotions, and a distinct aesthetic appeal with each pixel. Their expertise ensures that each Lazy Butt not only complements its corresponding Lazy Lion but also stands as an artistic marvel in its own right.

Yet, beyond the artistry, there's a robust technical framework ensuring that each Lazy Butt integrates seamlessly with the original Lazy Lion, proving that technological finesse is as crucial as artistic brilliance. This level of integration, supported by an advanced technological backbone, ensures that users have an immersive, hassle-free experience, whether they're claiming, viewing, or interacting with their Lazy Butts.

As we stand at the cusp of this launch, it's essential to recognize that Lazy Butts isn’t just another project; it’s a testament to the limitless possibilities when creativity meets technology. It's an affirmation that in the ever-evolving world of NFTs, there's always room for innovation, especially when it's driven by a community's passion and a team's commitment to excellence.

The 3D Kings Website: Your Gateway to a Visionary Future in NFTs

In the rapidly expanding universe of NFTs, a standout website isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity. Serving as the front door to a brand, it not only provides essential information but also sets the tone for the user's experience. The 3D Kings website, freshly redesigned, aims to be more than just a portal; it aspires to be an experience in and of itself.

The first thing users will notice about the revamped site is its modern, user-friendly interface. Instead of overwhelming visitors with technical jargon, the site focuses on accessibility. Easy navigation ensures that both newcomers and seasoned NFT enthusiasts can find their way around without a hitch. Every page, every button, and every link has been curated with the user in mind, ensuring that the site is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing.

But what truly sets the 3D Kings website apart is its reflection of the team's broader vision. It's not just about listing products or showcasing art; it's about conveying a philosophy. The meticulously curated sections offer deep dives into various projects: from the innovative Lazy Butts collection to the quirky Bungalow BBQ sauce and the mesmerizing Lore video by JohnTheCraftsman. Each section tells a story, providing context and background to give users a comprehensive understanding of the brand's essence.

Yet, perhaps the most tantalizing part of the website is the Visionarium. While details remain under wraps, the very name evokes a sense of wonder and anticipation. Hinting at a space dedicated to fostering innovation, the Visionarium promises to be a hub for collaborative creativity. It's a clear signal that 3D Kings isn't resting on its laurels; the team is consistently looking ahead, eager to push boundaries and chart new territories.

To sum it up, the 3D Kings website isn't just a digital space—it's a statement. It's an articulation of ambition, a declaration of intent, and an open invitation to users to join a journey where art, technology, and community converge to redefine what's possible in the NFT sphere.

What's Next?

The world of NFTs is as vibrant as ever, and recent developments have only added to the exhilaration. On September 1st, the community of Lazy Lions, a separate and unaffiliated entity, witnessed an innovative twist with the unveiling of Lazy Scenes and ambitious AI-driven storytelling plans. These advances not only underscore the Lions' commitment to pushing the boundaries of NFTs but also set the stage for other projects to dream bigger and bolder.

September continues to be a month brimming with exciting milestones. Fresh out of the oven, the 3D Kings website and its counterpart have been launched, making their grand debut this Saturday, the 16th. These platforms encapsulate the essence of the 3D Kings brand, showcasing the fusion of art, technology, and community. Every click, every scroll offers a deep dive into the collective imagination and innovative prowess of the team behind it.

Yet, the crescendo of September's activities is still on the horizon. On the 22nd, Lazy Butts kicks off its minting phase, granting early access to those who proudly flaunt their 3D Glasses as part of the Lazy Lions and Lazy Cubs collection. This privilege mirrors the team's appreciation and commitment to their most ardent supporters. Then, on the 23rd, the floodgates open to the public, allowing enthusiasts worldwide to stake their claim on these meticulously crafted digital assets.

These back-to-back launches aren't merely about releasing new content into the market. They're orchestrated symphonies, where each note, each beat, resonates with the larger vision of reshaping the digital art landscape. By ensuring a staggered, thought-out rollout, the teams behind these projects aim for not just attention, but lasting impact.

As we gear up for these imminent events, the underlying message is clear: in the rapidly evolving NFT universe, continuous innovation, genuine community engagement, and strategic foresight lead the way. And with trailblazing entities like Lazy Lions and 3D Kings at the helm, the journey ahead looks nothing short of spectacular.


In the grand tapestry of the digital age, NFTs have emerged as not just fleeting trends but as genuine revolutions. They represent more than just digital ownership; they are emblematic of a collective desire to craft, own, and cherish unique identities in a digital space that's often cluttered with sameness. It's projects like Lazy Butts, backed by the genius of 3D Kings, that truly capture this sentiment.

This month has been a testament to the power of collaboration, vision, and innovation. With Lazy Lions, a distinct and independent entity, unveiling their intricate Lazy Scenes and ambitious AI-driven narratives, they have underscored what it means to be at the forefront of a digital renaissance. Their tales are not just those of lions, but of a community roaring in unison, charting a course into unexplored territories of art and storytelling.

The launches scheduled for this week stand as milestones, not endpoints. They mark the dedication, sweat, and sleepless nights that the teams have poured into making each pixel perfect, each storyline captivating. While the spotlight today shines bright on the freshly minted websites and the impending Lazy Butts minting, it's the promise of tomorrow, of what's yet to come, that truly excites.

Every individual who mints an NFT, who clicks on a link, or even just shares a word about these projects, becomes part of this grand narrative. They don't just own a piece of art; they own a chapter in a story that's still being written. The future of NFTs, like all great tales, is unpredictable, thrilling, and bound to leave an indelible mark on the canvas of digital evolution.

So here's to the artists, developers, visionaries, and every single member of this vibrant community. Together, we are not just witnessing history; we are making it.

Disclaimer: While our "Lazy Butts" project and narrative have drawn inspiration from the Lazy Lions community, it's important to emphasize that 3D Kings and Lazy Lions operate as separate entities, with no formal affiliations or partnerships. All our endeavors, creations, and initiatives are the sole representation of 3D Kings and its team.

For more updates and exclusive previews, follow us on X @3DKingsNFT, or reach out to [email protected]

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