#79 | Pond Map 5.0

Mandora, here we come!

Hello and welcome to the first post on the new platform!

Since a lot of information was dropped last night in DuckMaster’s space, I’m releasing an earlier edition to get all of you up to date. The link to the space recording is below. This is a juicy one so make sure you’ve got time to sit back and take it all in!

Happy Reading!

  • Pond News

    • Pond Map 5.0

      • Vineyards

      • Hollywood

      • The Village

      • The Fields

      • Battlefield

      • The Cave

    • The Lore Continues

    • Vacuum

    • August Duck Race Final

    • September 6 Duck Race

    • Mint a Passport

  • X Spaces

  • Vercho’s Melodic Memories

  • Web3 News

Pond Map 5.0


Duckmaster passionately reiterated that at its core, Nonconformist Ducks remains a community-driven endeavor. It's not just about the team; it's about the collective effort to propel the new map forward and enact positive changes within the Web3 Space.

Duckmaster made it clear that the quantity of ducks one owns is not the primary focus. Instead, being an active member of the community is of utmost importance, whether an individual has a collection of 200 ducks or just one. Building a robust brand benefits everyone involved.

NoncoDucks has been a trailblazer in various aspects:

  • It was the first project to leverage storytelling as a powerful tool, setting a trend that other projects now follow.

  • The project pioneered NFT burning and deflationary mechanisms. Over the past year, more than 6000 ducks have been burned through various activities.

Duckmaster firmly believes that those who actively participate in project activities and contribute to its advancement deserve to be rewarded. The new map is designed to give back to those who have dedicated themselves to the project, had fun along the way, and played a role in shaping its future.

Within the new map, Mandora emerges as a captivating island, featuring diverse areas symbolizing various aspects of the project's evolution. Additionally, there's a ship on the horizon, offering opportunities for further expansion and growth.

This roadmap revolves around three key principles:

  1. Utility:
    The different island sections in Mandora will serve different purposes.

  2. Returns:
    The new map introduces mechanisms aimed at generating returns, ensuring that active participants reap the benefits of their engagement and commitment.

  3. Rewarding Active Participants:
    Above all, the roadmap seeks to recognize and reward the project's most dedicated and engaged holders.


Wine is coming to the pond!

  • Vineyards: Crafting top-tier wine in Argentina.

  • Distribution: Starting in Florida, with expansion plans across the entire USA.

  • Quality Benchmark: Striving to match the best Argentinian wine brands.

  • Exclusive Rewards: Exclusive wine rewards for Upper Class OG and Hell Ducks.

  • Minting Tip: Currently, minting passports offer a chance to upgrade OG Ducks to Upper Class Ducks via KGB, Sailor, 1/1, Cruise, or French Passports.

  • Future Deflationary: Plans are underway to make Upper Class Ducks deflationary.

Current Wine Business Update:

  • Label and Export: Finalizing label design and preparing for export.

  • US Business License: In the process of securing the necessary business license in the USA.

  • Pallet Timeline: Anticipating readiness to ship initial pallets to Florida within 3-4 months.

  • Open to Ideas: Welcoming name suggestions and ideas from the community.


In Hollywood, the team is gearing up for IP Deals.

  • Decoupling Machine: Craft your ideal duck.

  • IP Deal Requirement: Only decoupled ducks can be used for IP Deals.

  • Duck Selection: For instance, if a duck is chosen for a wine label, it must be decoupled.

  • Decoupling Machine Updates: The Decoupling Machine will be updated, allowing you to signal your duck's availability for IP Deals.

  • Rewards: Duck holders selected for IP Deals will be rewarded.

  • Community Rewards: All decoupled duck owners designated for team use in IP Deals will receive rewards.

  • Lock-in: Ducks submitted for IP Deals will be locked in and cannot be changed.

The Village

Golden 2nd Gen holders will be rewarded in The Village.

These rewards include a wallet containing:

  • 20 NFT Venues Founder Passes

    • 8 Passes (2 Blocks) are under 750

    • The wallet will receive 2 free NFTs from all future bars.

Holders share in the rewards from the passes and the future bars, as well as the perks associated with owning NFT Venues, such as individual benefits from each bar.

The Fields


  • Purpose: Wengoods was founded to unite NFT communities and build the world's largest loyalty company.

  • Product Range: It's a consumer goods company that creates products using intellectual properties from different NFT communities.

  • Marketing Approach: They leverage the existing power of NFT communities to market their products and reward consumers with tokens.

  • Example: For instance, if you buy gummies from Nonconformist Ducks, you can scan a QR code on the package to receive rewards.

  • Mass Adoption: The goal is to encourage widespread product usage, and these items will be available in supermarkets throughout the USA.

  • No Minting: There is no new mint for this.

  • Community Compensation: Communities will receive compensation for promoting their own products.

  • Holder Rewards: Individuals who hold NFTs from any of the communities within Wengoods will receive rewards.

  • Initial Communities: The project begins with 8 communities, including Nonconformist Ducks, Mutant Apes, Lazy Lions, and Degen Toonz.

  • Daily Rewards: Being part of these communities allows members to earn daily rewards.

More information will be released in the coming weeks as WenGoods prepares to launch!


Where ducks will compete!

  • Funding: The Battlefield will receive 10% of external revenue to enhance the pond's gamification, including the eternal war and duck races.

  • Race Requirements: When the Battlefield opens, duck races won't be accessible to everyone as they are now; there will be specific participation requirements.

  • Live Viewing: A new race format will allow live viewing from anywhere, with more race updates in the pipeline.

  • Increased Prizes: External revenue will lead to larger prizes.

  • Current Format: The existing Duck Race format will remain in place until the end of the year.


The cave holds the hidden gate to Mandora within the desert but is infested with leeches.

  • Leech Rewards: Leeches receive 10% of all NoncoDucks External revenues, with the share based on the number of souls they possess.

  • Host Requirement: To activate a leech, it requires a host.

  • Host Availability: More opportunities to acquire hosts will be provided.

  • Leech Rarity: Feeding your leech will increase its rarity and subsequently boost the rewards it earns.

The Lore Continues


For those who made it to the last leech snapshot, they received this vacuum. DuckMaster will release details on how to use it this weekend.

The next snapshot for the leeches is 30 souls on September 24th.

August Duck Race Final

September 6 Duck Race

Mint a Passport

Passports are still minting here:

Supply: 555 passports

Price: 0.04 ETH + Gas

Things to keep in mind when using your passports:

  • Do NOT Burn Ducks!

  • Do NOT Send Decoupled/Assembled, Angel, or Zombie Ducks!

  • ONLY OG Ducks can use passports

  • When spots open, the NoncoDucks team will post to Announcements in Discord & Twitter/X

  • Do NOT burn your passport until this announcement is made

  • When spots open, head to the Passports channel in Discord and follow the instructions

  • Passports are sent to the Burn Address:

    • 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

If you are confused about any of this, please ask questions in Discord before doing anything.

In case you missed the last issue, Jase did a deep dive into NFT Venues Founder Passes and Jacoby submitted an article about Shredding Sassy.