TNT #24 - A Guide to The Nonconformist Ducks

Everything you need to know about one of the best NFT Communities.

This issue is your ultimate guide to joining The Nonconformist Ducks. Discover how to get involved, choose the right ducks for you, and learn about all the exciting activities happening in the pond.

In this Issue

  • About The Nonconformist Ducks

  • Meet the Team

  • Nonconformist Ducks’ Collections


  • Current Events: The Eternal War

  • Join the Pond Without Fighting in The Eternal War

  • Pond Academy

  • What’s Next

  • Stay Up-to-Date on the Pond

  • Other Projects by DuckMaster

If you have any questions, join Discord and ask the pond!

About The Nonconformist Ducks

The Nonconformist Ducks is an NFT (non-fungible token) project that offers a wide range of Duck PFPs with different attributes and abilities. These ducks can be collected and used to participate in various activities within the ecosystem, such as exploring the lore, earning rewards, and participating in social activities. The project aims to provide a unique and engaging experience for its community, while also ensuring its long-term sustainability through creative solutions that reduce the overall supply of ducks.

Take a minute to look through these documents from the team and feel free to share these on Social Media to let others know about The Nonconformist Ducks:

Meet the Team

Nonconformist Ducks’ Collections

OG Nonconformist Ducks

  • The first collection of The Nonconformist Ducks

  • 200 Unique Traits

  • Original Supply: 9,302

    • Mint Date: October 1, 2021

    • Sold Out: January 1, 2022

  • Opensea Link

Hell Nonconformist Ducks

  • The Hell Ducks came to be when King Abel threw his brother and traitors into an oven, they ended up in hell and formed an evil army under the leadership of King Cain and the Horse Ducks.

  • 211 Unique Traits

  • Original Supply: 10,000

    • Mint Date: February 6, 2022

    • Sold Out: February 22, 2022

  • Opensea Link

2nd Gen Nonconformist Ducks

  • 3 Types of 2nd Gens:

    • Golden Eggs

      • The golden eggs descend from a royal lineage and are the only ones of their kind. They are the future leaders of the pond, inheriting the legacy of their forebears.

    • Normal Eggs

      • These eggs are the next generation of ducks, featuring over 200 unique traits. These ducks are one-of-a-kind, setting them apart from any other ducks in the pond.

    • Satan’s Stolen Eggs

      • The devil interfered, stealing eggs from the OG ducks. These are scarcer and more rare!

  • Opensea Link

Signature Nonconformist Ducks

The Signature Collection boasts ducks with rare, one-of-a-kind traits, making them highly coveted and unique additions to any NFT collection.

Rare Items Collection

The Rare Items Collection offers a diverse range of items including Potions, Cookies, Vaccines, Suitcases to exotic destinations, and much more, for those non-conformist ducks looking to rise to the top of the social hierarchy.

Upside Duck Collection

The Upside Ducks mark an important milestone in the pond.

  • Learn more about how they came to be in TNT #4

  • Opensea Link


If you own any Nonconformist Ducks, they are automatically accruing $QUACKS.

As of the release of this newsletter, $QUACKS cannot be transferred to a wallet and are tied to the duck. This means that if you sell your duck, the accumulated $QUACKS will also be transferred to the new owner.

The generation of $QUACKS began on January 6, 2023.

More info on $QUACKS in TNT #21

Current Events: The Eternal War

The highly anticipated “Eternal War” is the main event happening in the pond right now. Holders are signing up their teams to battle on either the OG or the Hell side for a chance at amazing prizes.



Join the Pond Without Fighting in The Eternal War

The Nonconformist Ducks community offers ways to participate without playing "The Eternal War".

The community offers various activities outside of ‘The Eternal War’, so you can still get involved and be part of this amazing and supportive community. You can choose a duck from different collections like OG, Hell, 2nd Gen, Signature Collection, or Upside Ducks. Certain activities may require specific traits, so keep that in mind as you select your duck.

Join in on the weekly Duck Races every Wednesday night, open to all duck owners who meet the requirements.

Watch January’s Final along with all the details on how to enter your duck:

Do you love the iconic Jason Voorhees hockey mask from the "Friday the 13th" horror film? If you're a fan, make sure to snag a duck from the OG or Hell collection with a Jason Mask. Every Friday the 13th, you'll have the chance to compete for the highly coveted Golden Jason Duck Mask.

  • Open to OG or Hell Ducks with the Jason Mask Trait

  • See the winner of the last Golden Jason Duck Mask in TNT #18

Loyds Tavern is a subgroup of The Nonconformist Ducks with various channels for discussing and sharing information about NFT projects, minting strategies, and other opportunities for participating in the web3 community. Members can post about their successes and connect with other team members working on their own projects in the hopes of bridging gaps and fostering new relationships within the community.

  • Open to OG or Hell Ducks with the Loyd or Homer Trait

The Duck Wrestling Federation is a subgroup within The Nonconformist Ducks community that hosts wrestling matches on a weekly basis.

  • Open to OG or Hell Ducks with wrestling masks

  • Learn more about DWF in TNT #19

Poker games are held twice a week for all ducks that own a horseduck or upper class duck. Participate in the games and have the chance to win amazing prizes!

Join the ranks of the prestigious Diamond Beaks by HODLing your Nonconformist Duck NFTs. As a member, you'll have the chance to participate in The ETH Machine and reap the rewards of your long-term holding.

The current raffle by The ETH Machine is:

(Follow Jase on Twitter to stay updated on all future raffles.)

Pond Academy is designed to be the long-term, sustainable source of external revenue for The Nonconformist Ducks.

You do not need a Duck to join Pond Academy!

Pond Academy is a platform that helps content creators in Web3 generate alternative income by recommending their favorite projects on Twitter. Studies show that people are more likely to be influenced by those in their close circles and that smaller audiences often have higher engagement. Pond Academy aims to decentralize influence by training people to create impactful content and monetize their recommendations of Web3 projects through the platform.

To join the academy, mint a pass and gain access to learn from professionals while earning non-traditional income for sharing your thoughts on Twitter.

Pond academy is still minting. 

There will be a total of 8,709 passes.

Mint a Pond Academy Pass here

Cost: 0.03 eth + gas fees

View the Pond Academy Pass on Opensea

What’s Next

Stay Up-to-Date on the Pond

Stay up-to-date on all the latest happenings in the pond. If you can't always check in on Discord, here are a few ways to keep informed:

  • Follow The Nonconformist Ducks on Twitter (Don’t forget to turn on notifications!)

  • Follow DuckMaster on Twitter

  • Follow The Nonconformist Times on Twitter

  • Subscribe to this Newsletter to get the latest updates delivered to your inbox:

Other Projects by DuckMaster

DuckMaster is also the founder of NFT Venues and The Rouge.

Your Turn

Submit your content to The Nonconformist Times!

  • Op-ed about the Ducks

  • Statistics

  • Fun Memory or Event from the Pond

  • Your latest Duck purchase

  • Show off your collection

  • Write about your favorite trait

  • Duck Art Derivatives