TNT #31 - DuckMaster hijacks Tomato's Space

$QUACKs, The Eternal War, The Merchant and more!

In this Issue

  • Twitter Space: Save Chicken #16 - Tomato Funeral

  • Gorilla

  • The Duck Book

  • From the Community

Twitter Space: Save Chicken #16 - Tomato Funeral

FYI: Tomato is not dead!

What you missed:

  • You can claim $QUACKS to your wallet now. You can claim and trade. (12:40)

  • The Merchant will be visiting the pond at random times with different objects that can be bought with $QUACKS. (13:50)

  • Hell Vacation Bags (18:10)

  • Vercho (22:00) - (Only shows up when Tomato isn’t there!)

  • Happy Birthday to EZFlow (sang by the worst duck choir ever) (22:50)

  • Vercho’s GM Cult (23:25) - “The Sleeping Cult”

  • The Eternal War Updates (25:15)

  • DiDuck (59:14) - Not Drawing…

  • Messi (1:38:00) - Why Chicken will haunt Messi forever!

  • (1:44:02) - The End - (Yes, not even 2 hours long!!!!)


If you know, you know.

If you don’t, go ask the pond:

The Duck Book

The Duck Book is back! Take a minute to follow your fellow ducks and add your own:

Mint a Pond Academy Pass here

Cost: 0.03 eth + gas fees

Learn more in TNT #9

From the Community