TNT #41 - Eternal War + Choco Ducks + Race + Poker

In this Issue

  • Choco Ducks

  • The Eternal War

  • Duck Race

  • Poker Series

Choco Ducks

Who got a Choco Duck?

If your leech had aspired a minimum of 3 souls by the snapshot date then you received a Choco Duck.

What do they do?

Only time will tell…

The Eternal War

Note: I made a mistake in a previous Nonco Times issue stating it was the final competition but forgot to include the Commanders.

The Eternal War continues today, April 4th at 10 PM EST in Discord.

Tonight’s Schedule:


10:00 PM EST - Game 1: Rock's Hell Squadron vs Tito's Goons

10:15 PM EST - Game 2: Gamecock's Goons vs The Grapes of Wrath

10:30 PM EST - Game 3: Jase's Jouster Killers vs Team Mayhem

10:45 PM EST - Game 4: Born for War vs Team Bombers


11:00 PM EST - Game 1: Hell Hath no Fury vs Dowds Defenders

11:15 PM EST - Game 2: Team Bendiciones vs Chopppers Unit

11:30 PM EST - Game 3: Clean Underwear vs Suprsyn

11:45 PM EST - Game 4: Stoned *ucks vs Ron’s Rugged Ducks OG commander

Duck Race

It’s a new month of Duck Races!

Who’s eligible to race?

You must own at least one OG or Hell Duck.

*NEW OWNERS can race for free during the first month of their purchase

What is the entry fee?

1000 $Quacks

Send your Quacks to the Merchant’s Wallet:

0xB680BaFF28cE4b2Ca1731ce1F2f3341FE5Eb52E0(also listed in Discord under Official Links)

Post your Duck’s Name and the TX in the Duck Races channel in Discord.

What is the Racing Format?

  • Monthly racing series

  • One weekly race every Wednesday

  • The top 4 ducks from every Wednesday race advances to the final

  • The final race is held on the last Sunday of each month where the top 3 ducks will win prizes

Poker Series

A new month of poker starts tonight!

Who can participate?

All Horseducks and Upper Class ducks

What days do we play?

Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 pm EST until April 30

How does it work?

This is a tournament-style competition. The top 3 positions of each tournament receive points that are accumulated and added to their grand total.

How many points does each position receive?

1st Place: 20 points

2nd Place: 10 points

3rd Place: 5 points

What are the prizes?

1st Place Overall: 10000 $Quacks

2nd Place Overall: 5000 $Quacks

3rd Place Overall: 2000 $Quacks

To Play you will need to:

1) Download the Club GG APP

Full details are in Discord under Announcements.


  • Poker: Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 pm EST until April 30

  • Race: Every Wednesday at 10 pm EST

  • Vaccinate your OG Ducks or Hells can use their thief bag

  • Create Gatekeepers until October 22, 2023

  • Feed your leech until October 31, 2023

Mint a Pond Academy Pass here

Cost: 0.03 eth + gas fees

Learn more in TNT #9

From the Community