TNT #5 - 500 ETH & Vercho Alpha?

500ETH! Nonco Party & More!

Hey Ducks,

We have so much to celebrate at the NoncoParty later today!

Let’s jump right in…

— Chicken Jr.

In this Issue

  • 500 ETH!!!! 🎉

  • Nonco Party 🥳

  • Reminder!

  • The Alpha You Didn’t Know You Needed

  • From the Community 🦆

500 ETH

Nonco Party 🎉

The day of the NoncoParty is finally here!

Set those reminders if you haven’t already and don’t miss out on this epic Twitter Space happening at 9 PM EST.


  • Just Kyle will be performing

  • The final race of the year

  • If you’re new to NoncoDucks, come ask questions and learn more about this project.

  • If enough people show up, Duckmaster might be dropping some Alpha on what’s coming up in 2023!


Let your frens know:

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The Alpha You Didn’t Know You Needed

From the Community

Your Turn

Submit your content to The Nonconformist Times!

  • Op-ed about the Ducks

  • Statistics

  • Fun Memory or Event from the Pond

  • Your latest Duck purchase

  • Show off your collection

  • Write about your favorite trait

  • Duck Art Derivatives