TNT #6 - Women & Weapons, Meme Competition & NoncoParty Recap

Alpha dropped at the Party and a big shoutout to Women and Weapons!

Hey Ducks,

In today's issue of The Nonconformist Times, I am excited to highlight the work of Sara Baumann (aka Sparky), a hardworking and dedicated founder in the Web3 space. Like Duckmaster, Baumann understands the importance of building a strong foundation for long-term success, and her commitment to this principle has allowed her to create a truly groundbreaking and enduring brand in the NFT space. With her vision and dedication, Baumann is poised to make a significant impact in the Web3 industry, and I am thrilled to feature her project in today's issue.

Oh, and Duckmaster dropped a lot of alpha at the party 👀We’ve got a lot to cover so keep scrolling!

— Chicken Jr.

In this Issue

  • Women & Weapons

  • Reminder!

  • Nonco Party Recap - Alpha Dropped!

  • Meme Competition

  • From the Community 🦆

Women & Weapons

Sara Baumann, also known as Sparky, is the artist and founder behind Women and Weapons, a collection of 10,000 diverse NFTs featuring beautiful and badass women hand-illustrated by Sara herself. Sara's journey from a full-time occupational therapist to a successful artist and founder of a multi-million dollar brand is truly inspiring, and she is dedicated to making the NFT space more inclusive for everyone. Art lovers and tech enthusiasts alike will find Sara's Women & Weapons project captivating and thought-provoking.

Recently, Women and Weapons introduced a revolutionary new character, their first virtual influencer named NOVA. While this avatar's purpose is to expand the brand’s reach and spread its message far and wide, she also serves as an innovative revenue source.

Learn more about Women and Weapons and NOVA in this recent interview on Overpriced JPEGs

Learn more about Women and Weapons:


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Nonco Party Recap

Here’s the full recording: Link

We had amazing performances by Just Kyle. Listen to each song:

  • Just Kyle: 22:30

  • Little by Little: 1:17:50

  • Noncon Duckas: 1:47:35

Some alpha was dropped…

Duckmaster revealed some powerful alpha last night - the mysterious vaccine will restore fertility to OG ducks! But that’s not all, the bags that we can receive for burning Hell Ducks will enable Hell Ducks to continue stealing 2nd Gen Ducks! In Chapter 2 of this dynamic ecosystem, 2nd gen ducks will be a crucial collection.

There are more details and Duckmaster discusses the Vaccine and Bag starting at: 1:24:25.

Meme Competition

From the Community

A big ducking Welcome to Maline for winning the 4T Hell Duck and joining the pond!

Your Turn

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