TNT #60 - READ THIS: Minting Party Wednesday!!!!

Also, open this for proof that Vercho is awake sometimes!

In this Issue

  • Minting Party

  • What’s This?

  • Duck Race Winners

  • Vercho (NOT) Sleeping

  • Reminders

  • From the Community

Minting Party

Just one more time for everyone in the back:

Minting Party on Wednesday, May 31st at 10 PM EST!

Join JollyGoose’s Burner Club Twitter Space to party with the ducks and mint your passport!

Check out this fun animated video by John Wick:

In case you missed it, here are the IRL cruise details:

Cruise: Carnival Sunrise

Dates: August 26 - 31

Departs from Miami, Florida

What’s This

Duckmaster mysteriously dropped this in the pond without any explanation. However, rest assured, John Wick has assigned his best agents to investigate the matter.

While they haven't solved any cases yet, including RonDuckgundy's Rigged Wars, they do rock their detective outfits with style. Maybe one day they'll match their looks with their detective skills.

Duck Race Winners (5/24)

1- who let the dog out

2- boo boo bear

3- oh boy here we go

4- holly duckula

Vercho (NOT) Sleeping

It will be one year soon since Vercho was last awake!


  • Poker: Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 pm EST until May 25

  • Race: Every Wednesday at 10 pm EST

  • Vaccinate your OG Ducks or Hells can use their Thief Bag

  • Create Gatekeepers until October 22, 2023

  • Feed your Leech until October 31, 2023

From the Community

Be sure to like and retweet these: