#100 | Pond and Web3 Weekly Highlights

Jason Final, Plumaje, Passports and more!

  • Pond News

    • Jason Wrestling Tournament

    • Plumaje Labeling

    • Scalpels & ChocoDucks

    • Passport Cruise Minted

    • French Ducks Return

    • Duck Race - November 15

  • X Spaces

    • Recorded Spaces

    • Upcoming Spaces

  • Vercho’s Music

  • New Ducks

  • Ducks on X

  • NFT Venues

  • WenGoods

  • Web3 News

Jason Wrestling Tournament

Round 1 Winners

Round 2 Winners

Round 3 Winners

Round 4 Winners

Round 5 Winners

Round 6 Winners

Round 7 Winners

Final Championship

The final showdown is an 8-person Extreme Rules Elimination Match, including the 7 winning Jasons and 1 redemption winner. Expect weapons 🔪. The last Jason who isn't pinned or forced to submit wins the Golden Mask.

Final match contenders:

Plumaje Labeling

Scalpels & ChocoDucks

Reminder: Submit your scalpels and chocoducks in 🧬-change-a-duck by 11/20 at 11:59pm. Miss this and you'll have to wait until 2024 for the next opportunity!

Passport Cruise Minted

Congratulations to Eagle Jay for minting the 1/1 of the cruise and will be receiving $1500 US in ETH! (Yes, go shill him, he’s loaded!)

French Ducks Return

On November 13th, more French ducks returned!

Learn more about Passports:

Duck Race - November 15

Recorded Spaces

Upcoming Spaces

New to Ducks?

Check out this guide:

NFT Venues on X

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