#91 | Pond and Web3 Weekly Highlights

Metal Detectors, Keys, French Ducks, Jasons & More!

  • Pond News

    • Metal Detector & Key Burn

    • Passport Updates

    • Friday the 13th - Jason Battle

    • New Ducks

    • Ducks on X

  • Reminders

  • X Spaces

    • Recorded Spaces

    • Upcoming Spaces

  • Vercho’s Music

  • New Ducks

  • NFT Venues

  • WenGoods

  • Web3 News

Metal Detector & Key Burn

To use the Metal Detector, send it to the Burn address and post the link in the ⁠🧬-change-a-duck Channel in Discord (under the Feed a leech button).

To use the Keys, send them to the Burn address, fill in the ticket, and post the link in the ⁠🧬-change-a-duck Channel in Discord (under the Feed a leech button).

See how many souls each key is worth here:

Passport Updates

X-Ray and KGB Passports opened up this week and the spots filled up quickly!

As of October 14th, you can send your French Passports in:

Learn more about passports here:

Friday the 13th - Jason Battle

DiDuck rugged the Jasons (by winning)!

There is a new contest to determine the winner of the Jason competition. Here are the details:

The next Jason Competition will be on September 13, 2024!

To learn more, join Discord.

Ducks on X


  • Feed Leeches until October 28th

  • Reveal is October 31st


  • Mint Passports!

NoncoTimes on Youtube

Recorded Spaces

Upcoming Spaces

NFT Venues

The Hole Whitelist

If you would like a whitelist spot for The Hole mint, DM @noncotimes on X.

Thank you so much for reading! If you would like to submit content to The Nonconformist Times, please email [email protected] or DM @noncotimes on X.