#92 | Upside Ducks

From Pond to Portal: The Chronicles of Upside Ducks

  • Upside Ducks

    • The Full Story

    • Historical Timeline

    • Upside Duck Giveaway

Upside Ducks - The Full Story

Introduction of Upside Ducks

Upside Ducks were unveiled on February 27, 2022.

Creation Process

For insights on the creation of these Ducks, watch this video by Brendan Bald.

It was definitely not this:


The community was buzzing in anticipation of Upside Ducks, including notable mentions from the infamous Only Ducks:


To transition to an Upside Duck via the portal, here were the requirements:

Wondering why all outcomes are 6T?

Consider it the culmination of an old man's dream.

Pond's Buzz:

The pond was alive with activity, especially during this period:

After a brief hiatus, I rejoined the community during this period and was admittedly baffled. To all newcomers, I understand your confusion!

(That’s why I made The Nonconformist Times 😁…subscribe, please! )

Egg Hatching:

The first eggs began to hatch on January 16, 2022, but their purpose wasn't fully understood by everyone, so the excitement for 2nd Gen Ducks was not fully realized until the egg hatch occurred prior to the portal opening.


The launch of Upsides was another example of how the founding team constantly over-delivers:

And Never Sleeping

Teasers and Previews

And the teasing never ends:

The REAL First Glimpse of an Upside Duck:

When it was finally time to announce the release of Upsides:

And a sneak peek of a Class A Duck:

And this warning:

Zeent’s Missing Duck

Around this time we also got word on Zeent’s missing duck:

The Standout Moments of Upsides

In case you ever doubted that this was a long-term project, here's your proof:

Unfortunately, this has not been enforced:

This was not in the mechanics:

But this 👀 :

And this didn’t age well:

This never came true:

Zeent’s Duck Returns

The Portal Opens

June 9, 2022 - While it was my Birthday, it was also the day the Upside Ducks community had eagerly awaited (No correlation between the two 😁).

The Story Continues

On July 30th the Portal was closed forever:

The story continued:

Eternal War

War was on the horizon! On November 14th, Upside Ducks received their battle stats and powers, leading up to the initiation of the Eternal War.

The inaugural competition kicked off on March 7, 2023.

Nonco Rankings

The Nonco Rank system classifies and orders collection holders through an algorithm that rewards ownership and ecosystem participation. Upside Ducks have the following scores:

  • C: 15

  • B: 25

  • A: 35

Check your Ranking here: https://ranking.nonconformistducks.com/

Upside Ducks Heist

Guard your ducks! Now, you can safeguard two traits of every activated 4T duck on your Decoupling platform. The safeguarding process is straightforward. However, unguarded traits are at risk of monthly theft by other Upside Ducks, resulting in a loss from your inventory.

There's also a "Sync Upside Ducks" feature to link your wallet's Upside Ducks to the Decoupling platform, ensuring redirected possessions from major heists go to your account.

The first thievery began on June 13, 2023.

Learn more on how to secure your traits here:

Current Updates

September 25, 2023:

The Upside Ducks reappear:

Fast forward to October 16, 2023:

Upside Ducks: A Historical Timeline

Historical Timeline of Upside Ducks

(Feel free to share this graphic and get the word out about Upside Ducks!)

Upside Duck Giveaway

I’m giving away an Upside Duck!

Upside Duck #637

Win an Upside Duck!


Subscribe to The Nonconformist Times here:

(It’s Free!)


All subscribers are automatically entered into the raffle.


Winner will be chosen on Saturday, October 21, 2023.

New to Ducks - Start Here: