#97 | Gatekeepers

Gatekeepers Reveal

  • Gatekeepers

    • Scarred & Caveducks (0 to 2 souls)

    • Mayans & Vikings (3 to 10 souls)

    • Samurais & Egyptians (11 to 19 souls)

    • Romans & Knights (20 to 29 souls)

    • Pirates & Army (30 to 99 souls)

    • Cyborgs & Wizards (100 and beyond)

  • The Evolution of Leeches

  • PondMap 5.0 + Leeches

  • Important Links


On Halloween, the long-awaited Gatekeepers were finally unveiled following nine months of dedicated participation from holders who engaged in various events and activities within the pond.

This engagement included the burning of over 2000 assets to feed the Gatekeepers. The reveal day was charged with anticipation and unfolded in stages, showcasing Gatekeepers with ascending soul counts, culminating in the grand reveal of the mightiest Wizard, owned by The Kid.

DuckingArtist outdid expectations, injecting a vibrant energy into the pond reminiscent of the early days of Nonco. The successful reveal has left the community in high spirits, eagerly anticipating what’s next.

DiDuck working hard!

Gatekeepers revealed on Halloween:

  • Scarred & Caveducks (0 to 2 souls)

  • Mayans & Vikings (3 to 10 souls)

  • Samurais & Egyptians (11 to 19 souls)

  • Romans & Knights (20 to 29 souls)

  • Pirates & Army (30 to 99 souls)

  • Cyborgs & Wizards (100 and beyond)

Scarred & Caveducks (0 to 2 souls)

Scarred (Total Access)

Caveduck (Pride)

Mayans & Vikings (3 to 10 souls)

Mayans (Ghost)

Vikings (Total Access)

Samurais & Egyptians (11 to 19 souls)

Samurais (Sloth)

Egyptians (Sloth)

Romans & Knights (20 to 29 souls)

Romans (Lust)

Knights (Wrath)

Pirates & Army (30 to 99 souls)

Pirate (Sloth)

Army (Pride)

Cyborgs & Wizards (100 and beyond)

Cyborg (Total Access)

Wizard (Wrath) - The Kid

The Evolution of Leeches

PondMap 5.0 + Leeches


The cave holds the hidden gate to Mandora within the desert but is infested with leeches.

  • Leech Rewards: Leeches receive 10% of all NoncoDucks External revenues, with the share based on the number of souls they possess.

  • Host Requirement: To activate a leech, it requires a host.

  • Host Availability: More opportunities to acquire hosts will be provided.

  • Leech Rarity: Feeding your leech will increase its rarity and subsequently boost the rewards it earns.

View all the details of Pond Map 5.0 here:

Important Links

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